Bridge to Employment (BTE) is a global Johnson & Johnson initiative active in 65 communities around the world coordinated by FHI 360. It aims to inspire young people who are at risk of dropping out of secondary school to continue studying, to excel academically, and to elevate their career aspirations. Bridge To Employment was launched in Mumbai in 2013 in partnership with Prerana, two secondary schools and a university. It’s success lies in providing a tangible connection between school and a career, by creating links to higher education, exposing them to real workplaces and opportunities and connecting students with supportive adults.
Johnson & Johnson draws upon the expertise of its own employees engaging them in coaching sessions and mentoring programs, and using its offices and production facilities to provide insights into jobs in healthcare. BTE students are exposed to various careers in the health industry and motivated to pursue higher levels of academic progress and take the steps necessary to build a better future and achieve their full potential. Every year all BTE teams are invited to send two "student ambassadors" to an Alliance Building & Training Session (ABTS). This is an enormously valuable opportunity for students to undertake international travel and meet with peers from around the world and work with them on a project.
This brings out their talents, leadership qualities, organisational skills, communication skills, and an understanding of various skill sets required to execute a project. Each year 50 students are selected to participate in the BTE programme in India and the results to date show that more than 90% of BTE graduates will be admitted to higher education and engage in community service.