Since 2005 Johnson & Johnson has been helping the Child in Need Institute (CINI) to improve the health of mothers and children in several slum areas of Kolkata. By funding health care workers and supporting their training and development, Johnson & Johnson has systematically strengthened the front lines of care, enabling CINI to care for approximately 800 vulnerable women and 2,000 children at any one time. The field staff focus on early identification of expectant mothers to ensure they receive appropriate medicine, nutritional support and counselling during their pregnancy and then continue to monitor both mother and child’s health after birth. Children below two years of age receive immunizations and are regularly monitored to facilitate early intervention on health issues. To date Johnson & Johnson has helped to improve the health of nearly 100,000 women and children through this program. And by championing those at the front line of delivering care in the community, Johnson & Johnson is building the communities’ capacity to improve the future of some of the most vulnerable members of society.