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Preventing and reducing HIV/AIDS in the most vulnerable youth populations

Children born in the red light areas without any basic protection against sexual assaults can be some of the worst victims of exploitation – especially when they have lost their mothers to HIV/AIDS. With Johnson & Johnson’s support, Prerana has deployed an HIV/AIDS project in Mumbai’s red light areas to address these issues. Prerana intervenes with timely and well planned activities intended to bring about awareness and knowledge, reduce internalized stigma, and foster confidence and self-worth to shape every child’s individual growth and development process.

The program also works to prevent and reduce the high vulnerability to HIV/AIDS among adolescents, youth and children especially girls who are susceptible to commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking, and to fight against stigma and discrimination. Johnson & Johnson also supports The Healthy Futures Project, which aims to provide training to build the capacity of the Prerana staff members in the monitoring and evaluation process.

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